Amazon Web Services(AWS)でWebLogic環境構築(WebLogicドメイン作成編)



<----------------------- Oracle WebLogic Configuration Wizard ----------------------->


              • -

Choose between creating and extending a domain. Based on your selection, the
Configuration Wizard guides you through the steps to generate a new or extend an
existing domain.

->1|Create a new WebLogic domain
| Create a WebLogic domain in your projects directory.

2|Extend an existing WebLogic domain
| Extend an existing WebLogic domain. Use this option to add applications and
|services, or to override existing database access (JDBC) and messaging (JMS)
|settings. You can also incorporate additional functionality in your domain, for
|example, by including AquaLogic Service Bus.

Enter index number to select OR [Exit][Next]> 1


<----------------------- Oracle WebLogic Configuration Wizard ----------------------->

Select Domain Source:

                                        • -

Select the source from which the domain will be created. You can create the domain
by selecting from the required components or by selecting from a list of existing
domain templates.

->1|Choose Weblogic Platform components
| You can choose the Weblogic component(s) that you want supported in your

2|Choose custom template
| Choose this option if you want to use an existing template. This could be a
|custom created template using the Template Builder.

Enter index number to select OR [Exit][Previous][Next]> 1


<----------------------- Oracle WebLogic Configuration Wizard ----------------------->

Application Template Selection:

                                                            • -

Available Templates
|_____WebLogic Server (Required)x

Enter number exactly as it appears in brackets to toggle selection OR [Exit][Previous][Next]> Next

User name、User password、Confirm user passwordをそれぞれ入力し、Next。

<----------------------- Oracle WebLogic Configuration Wizard ----------------------->

Configure Administrator Username and Password:

                                                                                          • -

Create a user to be assigned to the Administrator role. This user is the default
administrator used to start development mode servers.

| Name | Value |
1| *User name: | admin |
2| *User password: | ********** |
3| *Confirm user password: | ********** |
4| Description: | This user is the default administrator. |

Use above value or select another option:
1 - Modify "User name"
2 - Modify "User password"
3 - Modify "Confirm user password"
4 - Modify "Description"
5 - Discard Changes

Enter option number to select OR [Exit][Previous][Next]> Next

ドメインのモードを設定。実験用の環境であればDevelopmentで十分だが、今回はProduction Mode。2。

<----------------------- Oracle WebLogic Configuration Wizard ----------------------->

Domain Mode Configuration:

                                                  • -

Enable Development or Production Mode for this domain.

->1|Development Mode

2|Production Mode

Enter index number to select OR [Exit][Previous][Next]> 2


<----------------------- Oracle WebLogic Configuration Wizard ----------------------->

Java SDK Selection:

                                    • -

->1|JRockit SDK 1.6.0_05 @ /opt/oracle/app/jrockit_160_05
2|Other Java SDK

Enter index number to select OR [Exit][Previous][Next]> 1


<----------------------- Oracle WebLogic Configuration Wizard ----------------------->

Choose Configuration Option:

                                                      • -

*Do you want to modify any of the preconfigured settings or defaults in your
*To keep the default or template settings, and proceed directly to name and create *your domain, leave No selected.



Enter index number to select OR [Exit][Previous][Next]> 1


<----------------------- Oracle WebLogic Configuration Wizard ----------------------->

Configure RDBMS Security Store Options:

                                                                            • -

Create the RDBMS tables in your datastore prior to booting your domain. The
scripts for use by your DBA are in WebLogic Server's server/lib directory. Click
Next to keep the template settings or bypass RDBMS options.

->1|I don't want to change anything here.

2|I want to create, change, or remove RDBMS support.

Enter index number to select OR [Exit][Previous][Next]> Next


パラメータ ドメイン1 ドメイン2
Name awsap01 awsap02
Listen address デフォルト デフォルト
Listen Port 7003 7005
SSL Listen port N/A N/A
SSL enabled チェックしない チェックしない

<----------------------- Oracle WebLogic Configuration Wizard ----------------------->

Configure Managed Servers:

                                                  • -

Add or delete configuration information for Managed Servers. A typical production
environment has one or more Managed Servers. Each Managed Server is an instance of
WebLogic Server used to host enterprise applications.

| Name* | Listen address | Listen port | SSL listen port | SSL enabled |
1| awsap01 | All Local Addresses | 7003 | N/A | false |
2->| awsap02 | All Local Addresses | 7005 | N/A | false |

Use above value or select another option:
1 - Add
2 - Modify
3 - Delete
4 - Discard Changes

Enter option number to select OR [Exit][Previous][Next]> Next


<----------------------- Oracle WebLogic Configuration Wizard ----------------------->

Configure Clusters:

                                    • -

Add or delete configuration information for clusters. A cluster contains multiple
WebLogic Server instances that run simultaneously and work together to provide
increased scalability and reliability. A cluster appears to be a single WebLogic
Server instance to clients.

| Name* | Multicast address | Multicast port | Cluster address |

Enter name for a new Cluster OR [Exit][Previous][Next]> Next

config machineはデフォルトとするので、Next。

<----------------------- Oracle WebLogic Configuration Wizard ----------------------->

Configure Machines:

                                    • -

Add or delete machines. A machine hosts one or more WebLogic Server instances. The
Admin Server and Node Manager use this machine definition to start remote servers.

| Name* | Node manager listen address | Node manager listen port |

Enter name for a new Machine OR [Exit][Previous][Next]> Next


<----------------------- Oracle WebLogic Configuration Wizard ----------------------->

Configure Unix Machines:

                                              • -

Add or delete machines. A machine hosts one or more WebLogic Server instances. The
Admin Server and Node Manager use this machine definition to start remote servers.

| Name |

Enter name for a new Unix Machine OR [Exit][Previous][Next]> Next


<----------------------- Oracle WebLogic Configuration Wizard ----------------------->

Select the target domain directory for this domain:

                                                                                                    • -

"Target Location" = [Enter new value or use default

Enter new Target Location OR [Exit][Previous][Next]> /opt/oracle/weblogic/user_projects/domains


<----------------------- Oracle WebLogic Configuration Wizard ----------------------->

Edit Domain Information:

                                              • -

| Name | Value |
1| *Name: | base_domain |

Enter value for "Name" OR [Exit][Previous][Next]> awsap


<----------------------- Oracle WebLogic Configuration Wizard ----------------------->

Edit Domain Information:

                                              • -

| Name | Value |
1| *Name: | awsap |

Use above value or select another option:
1 - Modify "Name"
2 - Discard Changes

Enter option number to select OR [Exit][Previous][Next]> Next


<----------------------- Oracle WebLogic Configuration Wizard ----------------------->

Creating Domain...

0% 25% 50% 75% 100%

**** Domain Created Successfully! ****
